Home Bookshelf Book Review : “Strong Roots have no fear” by Aditi Wardhan Singh

Book Review : “Strong Roots have no fear” by Aditi Wardhan Singh

by Adrienne
Strong roots have no fear

Aditi Wardhan Singh asked me to review her book “Strong Roots have no fear” earlier this year as we are both part of the Multicultural Kids Blog group. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Summary :

This book provides you with a simple framework within which you can positively raise your little ones in a constantly evolving multicultural world. Parenting our children with a strong, culturally aware mindset enables us to be optimistic about their future.


This book is full of the author’s personal experiences that express the importance of knowing one’s roots and how to protect and nourish them to being strong in the world today. It presents constructive and practical advice for parents who are raising global children in a multicultural and diverse world.

The book is broken down into chapters which are then broken down into sub-headings. The book also has many bullet lists and italicized phrases that I found myself highlighting.

However, there are quite a few grammatical errors that sometimes made it difficult to decipher what was being said.

Childhood Memories

I found it to be a good read in the beginning chapters because her mother’s experiences and Singh’s own childhood memories reminded me of my own current situation. She relates how parenting can often be lonely especially when you are living somewhere that is not your home country.

For Mothers

Singh talks about figuring out what could work for you by recounting her job experiences of being a mother and running a magazine at the same time. She reminds us, mothers in particular, how to love ourselves, avoid comparing ourselves to others and to take breaks when we need to.

I found this advice very helpful as I am currently deciding where my time is best spent. I came to the realization that “No one is really going to get upset if I stop posting or writing. It’s just not the season for this much work, my children need my attention.”

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This quote sums up the book for me

Knowing who you are within, keeps you rooted when the outside brings its winds of change .

Strong Roots have no Fear, pg. 159

Parenting advice

The middle of the book was mostly repetition of what I have read previously; it was like an extensive list of parenting tips. I found it interesting to read about how certain parenting techniques worked for her family, but might not work for mine.

The book also reminded me of some points that I may have forgotten like ways to ask my children to help out or request them to do something.

Understanding the world

Near the end, there were chapters on friendships, bullying , race and diversity and these were especially helpful to have her insight because these are issues that we are currently dealing with. Therefore I will be reviewing these chapters often as my children get older.

I am raising world children who need to better comprehend and accept the differences of the people surrounding them. This only helps them understand who they themselves are and want to become!

Strong Roots Have no Fear pg. 160

You can find Strong Roots Have No Fear: Empowering Children To Thrive In A Multicultural World With Intuitive Parenting""” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Strong Roots Have no fear on Amazon and Kindle. For more information about the author, check out her magazine, Raising World Children.

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