Now that it seems we are in the post-Covid era, more and more borders are opening around the world. So it’s a great time to finally start planning a summer vacation and here are 5 reasons why a vacation is just what your multilingual family needs!
I think that multilingual children have a lot to say about their experiences as a child growing up with many languages, so I asked Inna Figotina, author of Trilingual Me, Moi Trilingue to share a little more about her story in an interview.
Since Covid-19 and confinement, we have been trying to find ways that grandparents can still be active with their grandkids especially in the minority language from a distance. Here are some of their ideas for kids ages 5 and up!
Today, I sharing with you the ultimate guide to getting started on using Boom Cards. Boom cards are self-correcting, paperless task cards that make home learning so much easier, especially when it’s in a language you may not understand or a concept you don’t remember.
This month we are reviewing the multicultural book “How our Skin Sparkles” by Aditi Wardhan Singh We are also interviewing her about the role of multicultural books and the importance of multicultural education in today’s world.
This Ramadan we are sharing dishes from around the world and how to make them with kids. This week is qar al deen or apricot pudding which is a staple and favorite dessert in Egyptian households.
This Ramadan we are sharing dishes from around the world. This week is red lentil soup which is a staple of Turkish cuisine as it is served in most Turkish households. Today, we are sharing how to make this soup with kids.
Every year, about a month before Ramadan, I sit down and make a list of activities that I would like to do with my kids. It gets a little overwhelming because the list keeps getting longer because there are lots of ideas on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram. Below you will find a list of creative activities and crafts that my kids and I do together every year plus a few new ones.
The word multicultural may seem like a misunderstood word, but these two books “Where am I from?” and “How to Raise Confident Multicultural Children” by Elisavet Arkolaki may be just the key to understand it’s meaning. Since we are a multicultural family, I was asked to review these books in exchange for an interview with the author which you will find below.