Disclaimer : I was given a free membership of Arabic Seeds and asked to review it. All of the opinions expressed in the post are my own.
Arabic Seeds was created due to a lack of Arabic-learning materials for children.
About the founder of Arabic Seeds
Emilie, the founder of Arabic Seeds is a non-native Arabic speaker, originally from France. She decided to create Arabic Seeds as a platform where she could share activities in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and crafts for children and their Arabic non-native parents and/or teachers.
Her family took part in our multilingual family interview series, you can read more about her multilingual family successes and failures here.
About Arabic Seeds
A parent guide with resources and links to Arabic-learning is available for free on the site. Each unit comes with read-aloud videos, audio, storybook, worksheets, organizing the unit guide and extended activities. The units are based on children’s’ interests and are relatable to daily life. Her goal is to make Arabic a living language not just dialects, and to actually integrate the language into our daily lives.
The units include :
- Greeting and introducing myself
- Fall’s Treasures
- Around the house
- Daily actions and routines
- Winter joys
- Animals and little stories
- I love spring
- At the park
- Space theme
Our Review
A basic knowledge of Arabic pronunciation and reading words and letters is needed in order to follow along with your child. There are two levels of learning. Level 1 is listening and speaking and level 2 combines writing and reading. We are currently focusing on level 1 with the listening and speaking because my children aren’t quite ready to add reading and writing.
We find this program useful since my children are already attending an Arabic school. It helps to supplement their lessons. For example, we used the coloring pages and crossword from the Animals unit when my kids were learning about animals at school.
We enjoy watching the videos and listening to the audio awhile we prepare dinner. My kids really enjoyed hearing a little girl’s voice for the audio. It seemed so much relatable to them. The hand-drawn graphics are also adorable.

This program allows you to work your way up by starting at 10 minutes a day to longer. There is no rush to finish the units as they are always available on the site.
It is an affordable program and the printables can be reprinted as many times as you would like, which is great for multiple children. One has a lifetime access to videos and downloads. The resources for each unit in the shop are free when one is part of the membership site. They cost a small fee when not part of the membership site, but still affordable.
Customer support is 100%. If you have a question, concern, or comment it is answered rather quickly by Emilie, plus there is a facebook group for members.

Negatives :
The only issue I had with the program was navigating the website. I had a hard time trying to figure out how to access the membership page and the units. – The issue seems to have been corrected a little..
Final Thoughts :
It is never too early or too late to learn a language, even us adults can still learn one. I have learned and picked up on vocabulary words especially through the constant repetition.
Check out the membersip overview and advantages here.

Thank you so much for your review!
Happy to hear that our membership is useful for you and your family and that your children enjoy the resources!
We will work on improving the navigation on our website in shah Allah, thank you for pointing this out!
Happy Arabic learning & teaching!
Emilie, ArabicSeeds founder.
My 2-yo daughter and myself would benefit so much from this! Would be great to win the 6-month free membership as I’ve been looking for fun, engaging and affordable arabic videos and resources for myself and my little one
Thank you for the review.
This will benefit our children who are currently homeschoooled. Hope we win the 6-month free subscription in shaa Allah.