Home Activities Fall-Inspired Sensory Bin and Crafts

Fall-Inspired Sensory Bin and Crafts

by Adrienne
Fall Inspired Sensory BIn and Crafts

Almost every day before we start homeschool in the mornings, we take a walk around the neighborhood to check out the nature and to get some of our energy out. Usually we end up trying to find snails and some orange bugs.

Since we are now in fall we have started to look at the different colors and shapes of the leaves that we find lying on the ground. When we go to the open air market down the street, we check out the slugs and snails, the blackberry bush, and the various kinds of nuts (maybe Brazil, chesnuts and hazelnuts). We bring back different objects to explore throughout the week.

This week our sensory bin included pinecones, tree bark, acorns, nuts and different kinds of leaves. Also, there were mushrooms everywhere, we saw at least three kinds on our way there and back.

Miss F kept saying “Look champignons ( mushrooms)!”

Wednesday, we usually do an arts project and play with our sensory bin. This Wednesday, I wanted to talk about what fall means and why the leaves change color and fall. We first looked at the colors of the leaves and talked about why there were different colors on each leaf.

We use this nature book for most of our nature lessons and they have a whole week dedicated to leaves plus ideas on arts and crafts.

For our crafts,  I wanted to make nature inspired things made with natural materials. We printed and stamped with the leaves and made a tree with leaves.

First, I drew a picture of a tree for each of my children. We put glue around to paste the glitter and other materials

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Then we made the leaves into glitter and used the stem from the leaves to be parts of the trunk.

  We used stems as part of the trunk and the leaf glitter as leaves

The final product.

We used the other leaves to try to stamp with or paint and create our own pictures.

What are some fall inspired crafts that you have done with your child or children so far this year ?

If you would like to see more of our school projects and lessons, check out our homeschool posts or  Instagram.

1 comment

Teaching Children to Love Gardening - Multicultural Kid Blogs April 20, 2019 - 7:56 pm

[…] children enjoy learning about nature and playing outside. We walk home from school every day and explore the world around us. We just […]


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