10 Reasons to Read to Your Child

by Adrienne
10 reasons to read to child

Today, I am going to give you ten reasons why you should read to your child(ren). It is one of the most important valuable things you can do for your child.

Children Reading
Reading books for our Islamic Reading Challenge
  1. Encourages learning about people, our world, the places around them, the nature, etc
  2. Expands vocabulary – Most books will teach him new words, colors, shapes, numbers, objects and feelings
  3. Helps stimulate the brain and spend time off electronics and get lost in the world of reading
  4. Helps them sleep easier and is great for bonding and connection
  5. Lets them dream big and show them what is and can be possible
  6. Improve conversation skills by learning something new and being able to share it with others
  7. Experience another culture and learn about how the world works somewhere else. Or how one experience could be different for someone else.
  8. Go on adventure without leaving the house and take a journey from the past, future or present.
  9. Builds emotional awareness and make him feel an emotion – they’ll see images in a book or hear a distressed or happy tone depending on the voice you read in
  10. Fuels their imagination to help them make stories of their own.

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For more reasons, check out the post below from Multilingual Parenting!

What are some reasons you read to your child(ren)?

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1 comment

3 Filipino Educational and Multicultural Picture Books - Multicultural Kid Blogs January 24, 2020 - 8:00 am

[…] Reading to kids has many benefits such as expanding their vocabulary by teaching new words, helping to stimulate their brain, and building emotional awareness related to the story. Reading also lets a child experience another culture and learn about how the world works somewhere else.  It lets them go on an adventure without leaving the house by taking a journey. […]


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