I couldn’t decide if I should include busy Muslim moms or just muslim moms in the title of this post so I took a poll on instagram. Here are the results :

So most of you agree that you are a busy Muslim mom. I know I am a busy Muslim mom – with housework and laundry, raising three kids under the age of six, making meals, blogging and making educational printables, trying to pray on time and the list doesn’t stop there.
Therefore I feel that sometimes that we know we should be spending some of those hours reading or memorizing Quran or studying Islam, but we can’t seem to find the time. I remind myself way too often though, that some moms are in the seasons of their life, myself included, where they can’t spend time reading a book or sitting down to do something as often as we would like.
In this post, I’m going to give you, a busy Muslim mom, some suggestions today on books to read and how to find time to read them. Also you will be able to download a book list for to make for yourself and a copy of my list when you sign up for my newsletter below.
How to choose books ?
- Think about topics you are interested in learning about. Write those down on a piece of paper
- Go through your bookshelf first and find books that you’ve been meaning to read but haven’t got to yet. Write those next to the theme on the piece of paper.
- Go to this site and look through their list of titles. Or check out an Islamic publisher site for books you can’t find on the website.
- Figure out which books you are interested in reading first and put them on the printable. Use pencil in case you need to move names around. If you are interested in typing them onto the printable, I will be more than happy to help you out.
- Download or buy the books. If you are buying them, only buy the first couple because our themes can change. Or you may have been unable to finish the book from the month before. This is fine, go at your own pace. I allowed myself two months to complete some books because they are rather large.
- Start reading! Read the tips below on how to read more throughout the day.
Interesting titles
Since most of the books are found free online, I downloaded them to my phone for easier access. But if you need the hard copy, which I totally understand, I included some titles that are on my list below. You can find the list of books that I chose in the FREE printable as well.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase,The Multilingual Home receives a small commission at no extra charge to youthat goes towards my own book purchases.
How to read more ?
- When nursing our baby or toddler, instead of scrolling social media, read your book from your phone aloud to baby.
- Reading aloud during playtime or snack time
- Read your book as a bedtime story
- During those extra moments like picking up from school, standing in the grocery line or pickup
- At the park or while they play outside
- 20 minutes or 10 pages after each salah
I rediscovered my love of reading books once I started reading in the moments when I found a chance. Maybe you will too!
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